DURF Expanded
Earlier this month, I worked on DURF Expanded. I poured it all in a new layout, added new monsters, and added a carousing procedure for players looking to spend their gold to gain some additional XP. If you’d like to support this project while it slowly taking shape, you can find it on my Patreon :)

Besides refining the DURF core rules, I’m currently tinkering with a new starter adventure for DURF with some funnel elements. I’m pretty excited about the directing it is taking and will probably put it up on my Patreon once I have the time to finish writing it :)
The Electrum Archive
TEA Issue 02 is nearing a finished state. As of last week, all art for it is finished, which means only some editing, layout and proofreading are left! I've spent some time putting all the bits we worked on together in a single layout file, and it is really rewarding seeing it all come together into a jam-packed zine of 80 pages!
Besides working on tabletop RPGs, I’ve been planting a little vegetable garden in my backyard. The weather has been pretty shit, so I don’t know how many of my plants will survive. In case they all die, I still have some tomatoes and a baby courgette plant in my windowsill, which I’ll move outside once the weather gets better.
It has been good to do some gardening to check out of work and stressing about current affairs for a bit. We’ll see if it goes anywhere, but for now I appreciate the little bit of peace it gives me.
Here are some pictures of snails I found in my garden:
Odds and Ends
I’ve been playing some Elden Ring again lately. My partner is playing through it for the first time now, which (combined with the DLC trailer that dropped last month) made me pick up my New Game+ save again. I’ve done all major bosses by now and am now just preparing for the DLC by collecting all the talismans and other bits that might be useful :)
My weekly TEA campaign is taking a short break to play some other games, and I’ve been reading through Bloom in preparation for a Mothership one shot I’m going to run. It’s a really cool adventure and I’m excited to run it!
I’m currently reading Dai Dark, which is great fun! The art looks great and the story is very silly (the main character is being hunted because his bones are rumored to grant any wish). The organic-looking alien tech seen in it is a great source of inspiration for The Electrum Archive’s elderships.
That’s it for now, thank you for reading and stay safe!
Talk soon!
- Emiel
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